Catalysing sustainability transitions within organisations using the power of psychology

Dear Reader,

Welcome to Galera Earth.

You, like us, have probably been experiencing some of the key challenges facing us as humanity in the Twenty First Century; increasingly extreme inequalities of wealth and lifestyles, coupled with unprecedented damage to the living world.

You may have been asking yourself how you want to work and live in future. And, like us, knowing we need to make changes, you are possibly grappling with how best to do this.

Galera Earth is born out of these questions.

While we acknowledge the need for the practical changes we need to make, we want to tend to the psychological ones.

What kind of mindsets do we collectively need for the journey ahead?

It is our mission to help evolve our mindsets to meet the environmental and societal challenges of our time.

A trusted network of psychologists, neuroscientists, coaches, artists, industry specialists and social scientists co-design and deliver projects focused on 3 strategies:

1. Deepen our understanding of individual, team and systemic mindsets. So that we know how to evolve them.

2. Develop our ability to collaborate and make decisions about contentious issues

3. Prioritise our own mental, physical and spiritual health, as well as the health of those we lead.

So that we are able and determined to create a healthier, more regenerative future for us all. 

Galera Earth works across sectors and industries. We believe that, while we each have a part to play in driving a healthier, more equitable future, we all face challenges developing the mindsets we need to do this successfully.

In particular, we work with:

If this letter has sparked any thoughts, ideas or questions we would love to hear from you.  Let's see how we can collaborate.
